Monday September 16 2024


Sheila Poettgen. & Kai Mikkel Forlie of in Baja.
I first encountered while searching for information about the quality of Baja roads beyond the reach of pavement. I needed information specific to two-wheeled travel and not of the...
Biking the Baja California peninsula
Back to Part INarrow Roads & TrafficThe most obvious problem with cycling in Baja has to be the triple-threat formed by:1) The prevalence of narrow paved two-lane roads;2) The almost complete...
Staying hydrated during periods of physical activity is important in the Baja heat
Back to Part IITruck DriversI would be totally remiss in my discussion of Baja’s narrow roads and traffic by not singling out the particular graciousness of commercial truck drivers. As a group...
Bicycling and camping down the Baja peninsula
Back to Part IIIRoad SurfacesAs for road surfaces, I’ll start first with a discussion of Baja’s paved roads.  These run the full range, from brand-new four-lane superhighways replete with wide...

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