Monday September 16 2024

Posted by on January 04, 2023
  • Donating blood in Mexico
    Donating blood in Mexico

Recently, a member of the La Paz community was taken ill and required multiple blood transfusions in the recover process. Many of the folks in La Paz learned about the difficulties of attaining blood transfusions here in Mexico even when the need is life threatening. The community responded promptly and the community member is on the mend.

But there is a shortage of blood in the banks and when you require a transfusion, you incur a debt to the blood bank that you are encourage to get friends and relatives to repay. Due to cultural stigma the blood bank always seems to be in arrears.

We will add one more requirement to this list provided to us by Mike Rickman and Cindy Espinoza of La Paz Yachts in Marina de La Paz, BCS, Mexico. It appears at least in La Paz that you should show up at a hospital to donate blood wearing long pants. A couple of donors were turned away at the door for showing up in shorts on a 103°F day. We would like to thank them for submitting this public service information to us.

From the B.C.S. Blood Bank, Salvatierra Hospital
From 8:00 to 17:00 Monday to Sunday (must bring ID and wear long pants and closed toe shoes)

Requirements to donate blood

Important: You must...

• Weight at least 110 pounds
• Measure at least 4’11”
• Ages 18 to 65
• 45 days or more from last donation
• No alcohol or medications in the last 48 hours
• No cavities
• Up to 3 months pregnant
• Slept 6 consecutive hours
• Arrive with an empty stomach (only liquids/juice)

People with the following history can’t be donors:

• Homosexuals
• STD herpes
• HIV+
• Bisexuals
• Cancer or diabetes
• Promiscuous heterosexuals
• Prostitute men or women
• Paid donors
• Intravenous drug use
• Malaria in the last 5 years
• Hepatitis at any stage in life
• Heart problems (insufficiency, hypertension, attacks)
• Epilepsy or convulsive crisis

You cannot donate if:

• Have infection symptoms (diarrhea, fever, cough, flu)
• Are taking medication
• Women are in their period
• Women more than 3 months pregnant, lactating or that just had a baby
• Have active allergies

In the last year

• Had syphillys or gonorreah
• Been in contact with a person with hepatitis
• Had gammaglobulin applied
• Had tattoos, acupuncture or diverse punctures/piercings
• Blood transfusions or derivates
• Organ transplant
• Rabies or hepatitis B shots

In the last 6 months

• Major surgery (3 months for minor)

In the last 28 days

• Smallpox, tetanus, measles shots

In the last 72 hours

• Dental extractions


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